Monday, October 15, 2012

School life in the 2000s

I joined S.M. St Paul in 2003. It was a totally new and different atmosphere when I first step into the secondary school comparatively studying in the primary. I started off participating in the Orientation Week and also joined the combined uniform body camp, and from here, it really exposed me to undergo how life as a secondary school student would be in the coming years. That was a different challenge for me as a student.

When I proceeded to Form 2 and Form 3, school life gets more exciting and there were many unforgettable experiences throughout the period I have encountered. One spectacular incident I remembered was the hysteria case that happened in the school during Form 3 (2005). The school was deeply in  chaos as everybody was in anxiety confronting the bizarre phenomena. Decision was not easy to make. However, This was the first time I truly saw and discerned the undivided teamwork amongst the teachers and the students, as we joined forces to unravel the situation successfully.

The pre-SPM years (Form 4 and 5) were my most enjoyable period. Here, I have reaped  a lot of memorable moments with the teachers, friends, classmates, and school mates. During Form 4, under the guidance of our teacher Mrs. Sim Gaik Chin (Our Additional Mathematics teacher), we were trained to perform in choir and were given many opportunities to perform on various occasions. One occasion was for Cikgu Azman’s farewell party and another was for Cikgu Norzam’s. Mrs Sim also choreographed the performance for us during the opening ceremony of our annual Sports Day. That was real fun to be with a choir group as we could demonstrate our talent together as a team. My classmates and I were also honoured to be taught by Puan Lee Siew Wan, a ‘Guru Cemerlang’ in Bahasa Melayu. Our class also participated in many kinds of event organized by the school. We got the golden opportunity to take part in the Science Fair arranged as a part of the program of the opening ceremony of the new computer lab which was attended by our honourable Chief Minister of Sabah in 2006. Nevertheless, the two most memorable events we participated were the ‘SeMeGa’ Program organized by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and the SPM Motivation Camp at Melanggang organized by the school. It was an eye opening occasion as we certainly learned a lot from these two functions indeed. On sports activities, I have participated in the badminton competitions and other related sports tournaments.

All in all, throughout my years as a Saint Paulian , school life was so pleasant and I truly enjoyed edification from this beloved school, not only academic-related ones, but also knowledge on how to lead a better living. I believe these memorable moments that I experienced in SM St. Paul will forever be etched in my mind, for me to look back and smile every time I reminisce.

Kenneth Yap